Help Cardiff UCU Get the Vote Out!

Encouraging members to vote is currently the branch’s top priority, and we need your help. Our biggest challenge when it comes to getting over the 50% threshold for industrial action is the fact we are all so overworked (often so much that we don’t even have the time or headspace to vote).

Our experience tells us we get the best turn-out when members are reminded to vote by their own colleagues (either over the phone or face to face).

We are currently planning four mass door-knocking sessions (for about 2 hours) as follows:

  • Friday 4th October 10am (targeting Physics)
  • Monday 14th October 10:30am (targeting Healthcare)
  • Tuesday 15th October 9:30am (targeting Medicine)
  • Friday 18th October 10am (targeting Engineering)

We are also putting together teams of volunteers to run a phone bank with the aim of talking to all members with whom we haven’t been able to chat face to face.

If you can spare some time to help with phone banking (scripts and materials provided!), or door-knocking (always as part of a team of colleagues) please email to sign up or find out more.