Jo Grady, UCU General Secretary: Two talks in Cardiff, 22nd October

The new General Secretary of our Union will be visiting the University on 22nd October this year to talk with members about the two active ballots we face right now, as well as hold a separate session specifically about the issues faced by staff in insecure/precarious employment.

  • Defend Pensions, Pay, and Conditions: A Q&A with UCU General Secretary Jo Grady: 1-2pm, 22nd October 2019, Small Chemistry Lecture Theatre, Main Building, Park Place.

Find out about the issues behind our current struggles to defend our USS pensions, as well as the Union’s strategy in the “four fights” ballot. Bring your friends, along with an open mind and any questions. The session will be recorded and shared afterwards.

Meet with Jo and Cardiff UCU’s Anti-Casualisation Working Group to hear about the fight against gig-economy-style precarious labour in UK Universities, and find out what you can do to help.

This visit will be a cracking opportunity to chat with the Union’s new gaffer, find out her plans for UCU and the issues we face, as well as to hear about the aims behind the current strike ballots. You can read more about Jo in this recent Guardian profile.