Academic Related/Professional Services Staff

Cardiff UCU believes that Academic Related/Professional Services Staff (ARPS) are a key part of our branch and the wider UCU community, and we work closely with our sister unions to represent their interests. The ARPS Rep role on the branch executive committee is filled by Graham Getheridge.

Some of the key issues our ARPS members raise are:

  • Excessive workload
  • De-professionalism and access to professional development
  • Bullying
  • Lack of career framework and promotional pathways

I’m Academic Related/Professional Services Staff (ARPS) – which union should I join?

For many ARPS staff, it can be less clear which union is best for you. You should ask the colleagues you work most closely with which union they are in. This will help you to work out which union has the strongest membership in your area and which of them will be in the best position to support you. UCU’s collective bargaining covers staff on Grades 5-8, but we can individually support members on all grades. UCU also has an active group of ARPS members and represents their interests in consultations and negotiations.

There are three recognised trade unions at Cardiff University and the table below explains which unions the University recognises for each career path for collective bargaining. Please get in touch if you would like help with finding the right union for your role.

Unions Career paths 
UCU Academic Staff (Teaching & Research, Teaching & Scholarship, Research) 
UCU, UNITE and UNISON Managerial, Professional and Specialist Staff 
UNITE and UNISON Administrative Support Staff, Technical Services, Operational Services 
UCU for Clinical Academics Clinical