Cardiff UCU is the representative voice for academic and academic-related staff at Cardiff University.
UCU members include academics, researchers, managers, librarians, computer staff, postgraduates and other hourly-paid teaching staff, whether on fixed-term or on permanent contracts; whether full-time or part-time. Subscriptions depend on your earnings and free membership options are available for postgraduates and unemployed members seeking employment in higher education.
We have a strong core of active members and you can join today to be part of that collective and bring new strength, ideas and perspectives to the branch.
On this site you will find the latest branch news, dates of meetings and other events, information about getting help and casework, learn about our campaigns, and how to update your membership or join the union. You can also find out who is on the branch’s executive committee, who your departmental rep is, how to contact us or how to get more involved.
About UCU
The University and College Union (UCU) was formed on the 1 June 2006 by the amalgamation of the Association of University Teachers (AUT) and NATFHE – The University & College Lecturers’ Union. The union is now organised to reflect differing higher education funding within the UK: UCU England’s regions, UCU Scotland, UCU Northern Ireland and UCU Cymru.
UCU Cymru supports branches across Wales and deals with The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), the public body operating between Welsh Government and higher education providers.