Branch News

July 2024 Newsletter

  • University changes and lack of consultation 
  • Health and Safety inspection on work-related stress 
  • Workload Rep Training available
  • Deferral of Launch of Academic Promotions Round for 2024/25 
  • Subscription rates for 2024-25 

March 2024 Newsletter

  • Three dystopian futures – The Big Conversation/Y Sgwrs Fawr
  • Stealth restructures?
  • Update on negotiation on relevant factors –improving contracts for people on precarious contracts
  • Info & meeting about grading Info on freedom of speech regarding Palestine
  • Anti Racism March Sunday 17th March
  • Graduate Tutor/Demonstrator contracts – info and survey
  • Resource on bullying and harassment
  • Letter on fossil fuels
  • UCU worker’s café – AI Discussion
  • Open Democracy article on money poured into UK universities
  • Anti-Casualisation – Cardiff unimpressive in new UCU ranking on working conditions for researchers 
  • And in case you missed it, Cardiff University fixing apparent recruitment problems with new font and shade of red

February 2024 Newsletter

  • Call for General Meeting 
  • Update on the last General Meeting 
  • Update on The Big Conversation / Y Sgwrs Fawr – Unions meeting with the VC 
  • UCU Campaign for University Democracy – last chance to vote in the ballot 
  • Affiliation to Trades Council 
  • Solidarity & Events including local hustings for candidates in the ongoing UCU elections 

November 2023 Newsletter

  • Our participation in Y Sgwrs Fawr – The Big Conversation
  • Help us tackle precarity – Members meeting on ‘relevant factors’ – 1pm Tue 21 Nov
  • Workload and wellbeing
  •  Reply from Jane Bryant MS to our request for an Enquiry into HE in Wales.
  • Academic Related and Professional Services (ARPS) Staff 
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) 
  • Solidarity with Palestine 

October 2023 Newsletter

  • Upcoming General Meetings
  • University governance campaign – please vote
  • Callout for members to respond to the consultation on USS pensions scheme
  • Callout on collective and individual grievances
  • Get the vote out campaign
  • Llanelli Unites Community Fun Day on Sunday

18th September Strike Update

  • Welcome week Strike called off – What now?
  • Fighting fund
  • Reballot

September 2023 Newsletter

  • Welcome and reflections 
  • PGR contracts 
  • Get The Vote Out – a new ballot 
  • USS Pensions consultation 
  • Get involved with Cardiff UCU 
  • Workload Reps Training

July 7th 2023 MAB Update

  • Graduation week strike 17-21 July
  • Update on our dispute – the MAB and upcoming negotiations
  • Communicating about the MAB with students
  • Support student-led petition for fee refunds
  • Solidarity Badge making + The Alternative Graduation Party
  • Next MAB Solidarity Meetings
  • MAB Whatsapp Group

June 23rd 2023 MAB Update

  • Update from meeting with VC and communications from UEB
  • Upcoming Strike Days
  • Banner-Making Workshop – Wednesday 28 June at 5pm

June 15th 2023 MAB Update

  • Erosion of academic standards during the MAB
  • Boycotting exam boards
  • Attending exam boards to uphold standards
  • Contributing to the local fighting fund

May 25th 2023 MAB Update

  • MAB survey
  • Branch fighting fund GoFundMe
  • Don’t make it easier for our employer to make deductions!

May 17th 2023 MAB Update

  • Contributing to the local fighting fund
  • Participating in the boycott
  • Solidarity meeting for Welsh speakers on Friday at midday
  • MAB Solidarity Meetings

March 2023 Newsletter

  • Industrial action
  • Workload
  • Challenging sexual harassment and sexual violence workshop
  • Dim diolch – submissions to University ‘Diolch’ initiative vetoed
  • February Town Hall Meeting
  • CO2 monitoring in buildings
  • Branch fundraising

January 2023 Newsletter

  • Industrial action
  • Letter to the Vice-Chancellor about industrial action
  • Challenging sexual harassment in the workplace
  • New working group – Environmental Sustainability – please join working groups!
  • Cardiff UCU Equality, Diversity and Inclusion survey – closing 31st Jan
  • Improvements to University Parental leave policy
  • Contribute to the branch – facilities time available!
  • Report from the branch’s Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) and the UK Delegates General Meeting (DGM)

December 2022 Newsletter

  • Report on our EGM ahead of strike action in November
  • Report on strike action
  • Reporting your strike action
  • Accessing the strike fighting fund
  • Action Short of Strike (ASOS)
  • Cardiff University Students’ Union votes to support UCU strikes
  • Our branch’s commitment with equality and inclusion during the strikes and beyond
  • Workers can win book launch
  • DivestUSS
  • Network to challenge racism – call to participate
  • Diolch initiative – put your reps forward!
  • Protest to save St. David’s Hall

November 2022 Newsletter

  • Ballot outcomes and next steps in disputes
  • Cardiff University Students’ Union vote on support for industrial action
  • Branch meetings for ARPS members
  • General Members’ Meeting motion on module evaluation scores passed
  • University Research Culture Survey and Target Operating Model Feedback
  • Mechanical Ventilation of teaching spaces/offices/ meeting rooms

October 2022 Newsletter

  • Branch president’s message for the new semester
  • Industrial action – please vote!
  • Correspondence over summer agreement
  • Academic Related Professional Services – New Rep
  • PrideCymru and the trans* solidary group
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Priorities Survey
  • Events, Solidarity and Wider Campaigns