Executive Committee

Executive Officers 2023 – 2024

President: Joey Whitfield

Vice President: Lucy Riglin

Vice President:  Andy Buerki

Chair: Renata Medeiros Mirra

Treasurer: Phil Parkes

Secretary: Ryan Prout

Membership/Recruitment Secretary: Sandy Gould

Equality and Diversity Officer: Laurence Totelin

Anti-Casualisation Officer: Gabriell Bramley

Health & Safety Officer: Andy Skyrme

Learning Representative: Anthony Ince

Environmental Officer: Paul Rock

Media and Communications Officer:  Jia Wei Lee

Policy Officer: Guy Major

Staff Wellbeing Officer: Aline Bompas

Disability Officer: Michelle Aldridge-Waddon

Anti-Racism Officer: Sarju Patel

LGBT+ Officer: Sofia Gameiro

Organising Co-ordinator: Nicki Kindersley

Pensions Officer: Vacant – interested in taking it on? Let us know!

Post Graduate Researcher Rep: Vacant – interested in taking it on? Let us know!

Wales Higher Education Sector Committee Member (HESC)

Chris Graves – Secretary to Wales HESC

Ordinary Committee Members 2023 – 2024

Graham Getheridge – ARPS Contact

Chris Graves

Colin Berry

Paul Brennan – Casework Coordinator

Ryan Davey

Martin Weinel – Workload Contact

Elisa Wynne-Hughes

Co-opted Committee Members 2023 – 2024

Up to 6 members may be co-opted by the executive committee each year.

Thus far three people have been co-opted:

Chris Graves: Ordinary Member
Sarju Patel: Ordinary Member (became anti-racism officer on creation of that role)
Jia Wei Lee: Media and Communications Officer

Roles that need filling:

Pensions Officer
Post Graduate Researcher Rep
Pensions Officer

Please let us know if you are interested in any of the above roles by e-mailing the office ucu@cardiff.ac.uk

Wales Higher Education Sector Committee Member (HESC)

Chris Graves – Secretary to Wales HESC

Negotiating Committee

Members of the executive committee will be elected to the negotiating committee at the October 2023 executive committee meeting.