UCU Deputation to University Council 18 May

DEPUTATION TO UNIVERSITY COUNCIL : Restructurings in the School of Medicine and the Careers and Employability Service

The University Council held on Monday 18th May received a UCU deputation. The UCU representatives made representations regarding the proposed restructurings in the School of Medicine and the Careers and Employability Service.

We have grave concerns about the way the work of the restructuring in the School of Medicine (MEDIC) is being structured and the way that engagement internally and externally is being framed and feel that there is a real risk of severe reputational damage to Cardiff University resulting from major omissions in the process to date, notwithstanding the impact on the staff involved.

We recognise that change has to happen to create a School of Medicine that is fit for purpose.  However, for optimum outcomes the programme of change needs to be managed in a sustainable fashion that staff are actively engaged with, rather than in a reactive and top-down manner as is becoming increasingly apparent in MEDIC Forward.  We believe that the management strategy, which includes disinvestment in some areas, does not stand examination. Among the recommendations made by our representatives were including treating staff as people rather than a resource and urging consultation with all stakeholders including students, the NHS and the BMA.

We feel that the approach taken in other restructures in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and the Careers Service have generated some of the same issues. We believe that the management approach to restructuring and the particular issues uncovered in relation to the School of Medicine and the Careers & Employability Service, merited the attention of Council, as the responsible body for the governance and management of the University.

We now wait to see what the reaction of Council will be.