School of Medicine Restructuring – Discussions at a Critical Stage

Our discussions with management on the restructuring of the School of Medicine ( “MEDIC Forward”) are at a critical stage.  The management proposals include disinvestment in some research areas and consequential redundancies. Cardiff UCU remains convinced that there are serious weaknesses in the Business Cases that are being used to inform the identification of roles at risk of disinvestment.

There are 11 distinct Business Cases and the weakness vary from case to case. We are very concerned about the criteria used for selecting areas of research. Often the areas of research do not seem to be based on established or accepted structures within MEDIC.  Insufficient detail has been provided for how and why areas and sub areas have been selected for disinvestment. We have already stated our concerns in person and in writing but they remain unchanged in their substance. The use of these Business Cases to make staff redundant may result in legal challenge that could be damaging to Cardiff University