Tweets from the picket line #FairPayinHE

Here is what happened on yesterday’s picket, in reports of 140 characters – join us again today at 8.30 outside Main Building, and on the hashtag #fairpayinhe.

Getting ready, early on

Numbers start to grow…

…and grow…

Many people stopped to listen to our message

The company of friends:

We were very pleased to have the support of Jenny Rathbone, Assembly Member for Cardiff Central.

This is what it’s all about

Picket line outside main building
UCU members picketing on outside Main Building were pictured in this story on the BBC News website.

Today: meet again at 8.30 on the picket outside the Main Building car park, Park Place, Cathays Park campus. There will be a rally and speakers at 10.30am. See you there!