The Big Pension Short

How big is the University pension scheme shortfall? A video that shows it’s all a matter of assumptions….

Further reading:

    1. The Effects of USS Pension Reform Explained” by Professor VJ Wass
    2. Dr Woon Wong in association with Professor VJ Wass  shows that the impetus to close the USS Define Benefits Pension is additionally based on an unnecessarily cautious extrapolation from an artificially low gilts yield in Aug 2016:  The Phantom Deficit of Our USS Pension 
    3. The UCU Branch at University College London prepared the following summary of what is wrong with USS: UCL UCU Pension Factsheet
    4. Made in Westminster: The source of the USS ‘crisis’ – and the solution. This article by Sean Wallis is very worthwhile reading.
    5. The UCU Branch at University College London prepared the following summary of what is wrong with USS: UCL UCU Pension Factsheet
    6. Guardian article: My university assumed students just want ping pong tables, but they’re as angry with marketisation as their lecturers
    7. LSE Blog Post: Pension strike: university staff are getting a ‘Die Quickly’ pension plan. It won’t work.