Happy Diwali (and info about Islamophobia awareness event):

Some people around the world celebrate Diwali, which this year will be on the 14th November, joined by millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world. The Mughals also linked this to Navroz festivities so Muslims celebrated alongside. Diwali, which for some also coincides with harvest and new year celebrations, is a festival of new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. Diwali is commonly referred to as the festival of lights since a lot of the celebrations involve big, bold displays of light and colour. The term Deepavali comes from the Sanskrit meaning ‘row or series of lights.’ and is often associated with Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity. Those celebrating the festival will typically decorate their homes with lights and rangolis, elaborate patterns made out of materials including rice, coloured sand and flowers and my favourite part are all those sweets!!!

Here’s a virtual Diwali celebration in London.

Also, the Student Race Equality Steering group mark Islamophobia Awareness month with a virtual display and event – see here

Abyd Quinn-Aziz
Equalities Officer