Consultation on the REF code of practice

UCU’s representatives have been consulted on the REF code of practice, which shows the University’s will to increase the transparency of their procedures on REF. We also welcome the consultation on the code of practice launched in BLAS. On the other hand, our members have raised many concerns in relation to the fairness and transparency of how the actual REF process is conducted. We would like to hear your views on all these three aspects: the consultation on the code of practice, the code of practice itself, and the internal rolling of REF in Cardiff.

Please give us your feedback via our short survey.

Cardiff Uni consultation on the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF) Code of Practice

The University has published a draft REF code of practice which you can read about on the intranet. They have asked staff to send in their views on this draft as part of a consultation exercise.

We encourage you to engage with this process, but Cardiff UCU will also be sending a co-ordinated response on behalf of members. Please send us your thoughts as well as engaging with this as individuals.