Solidarity from UCU Coleg y Cymoedd


UCU Coleg y Cymoedd rank and file members stand in solidarity with you, and other pre-1992 university UCU branches, over these heinous attacks on your pensions and Higher Education in general.

The resolve of Cardiff University UCU members, and other branches, has been incredible and inspiring.  This is a momentous dispute which has not only highlighted the unjust attacks on your pensions but has brought to light the destructive nature of the marketisation of education and the relevance and strength of the labour movement.

In Further Education we too have suffered at the hands of market forces with oppressive workloads, endless metrics, pension attacks, cuts in provision, redundancies, real term pay cuts, increasing casualisation and rocketing Principal/ CEO pay.  Your fight is our fight.

This member-led dispute must stay strong to win and demonstrate that a fighting, campaigning union can defend members and quality education.  We have sent a small donation to your hardship fund.

In solidarity,

UCU Coleg y Cymoedd rank and file members