PDR: Joint Statement with Management

As indicated in the joint statement agreed by University management and unions (published on the intranet on 20 December 2016), an agreement was reached on a revised PDR process through an ongoing conversation with management. There will not be a formal ballot of UCU members on industrial action over PDR at this time.

Trade Union and Cardiff University Joint Statement Regarding PDR 20 December 2016

In February 2016, following institution wide consultation the University implemented a revised Performance Development Review Scheme. Continuous feedback was received during the Performance Development Review Scheme’s implementation, with some amendments being made during the 2016 PDR round. It was also agreed by University Executive Board and the Trade Unions that a review would be undertaken of the Scheme following the first period of implementation to inform any amendments required prior to the 2017 application. Thank you to all who contributed to the review, and to both the representatives of the University and the Trade Unions who have worked closely together to ensure that the Performance Development Review Scheme for 2017 focuses on constructive, reflective conversations about current performance, development and future career potential.

The amended Performance Development Review process will be implemented with effect from 1st February 2017 and will involve the following amendments:

  • The timing of the PDR process has been extended and will run between February to May 2017, to ensure that the PDR review meeting and workload discussions inform each other. The timing is also aligned to other University processes such as the Outstanding Contribution Scheme;
  • The overall assessment has been amended and replaced with a focus on an assessment of progress against objectives;
  • Revised PDR documentation to further clarify the ability to note differences between the reviewer and review for the attention of the Head of School/Director where relevant;
  • The addition of a box for personal circumstances/extenuating circumstance to be included in the PDR form.

Further information including the revised PDR Scheme and Forms will be available in January.