Overwhelming vote for strike action over cuts to our pensions

Along with the national union, Cardiff UCU Branch has voted overwhelmingly in favour of both strike action and action short of a strike in the USS Pensions ballot.

The Branch would like to say a huge thank you to those who took the time to vote. With a turnout of 54.6% of eligible members, we were comfortably over the threshold to make our votes count. 89% of those who voted, voted in favour of taking strike action, and 93.1% voted to take action short of a strike. The strength of feeling over this issue is clear.

The full ballot results are available on the UCU website if you wish to see them: https://www.ucu.org.uk/ussballotresult_jan18?utm_source=lyr-ucu-members&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=members&utm_term=uss-all&utm_content=USS+ballot+results

The chair of the joint negotiating committee (JNC) has ruled in favour of UUK’s proposal. Despite UCU’s continued willingness to negotiate, the employers have simply refused to move at all from their original position of 100% defined contribution. In the face of such intransigence, there is no denying that our action will need to be tough and prolonged.

Watch this space for further details of the action.