Could you be a UCU workplace rep?

Your local UCU branch relies on the work of its Departmental Representatives (Dep Reps) who play an essential role in raising awareness of the union and supporting members. We need more.

If you are interested in becoming a Dep Rep, please get in touch with Sally in the branch office ( You can also take part in the following regional training.

Induction to Representing Members – Venue: UCU Wales Office, Tondu, Bridgend CF32 9BS

UCU Wales will be holding an Induction to Representing Members on Wednesday 6th November 10am – 2.30pm

This 1 day course is aimed at new reps/caseworkers, activists and departmental contacts who are or will be undertaking a role in the near future. The induction course will cover aspects of representation of members, organising, recruitment and building a strong branch.

We are currently without reps in the following schools: Business School, CPE, School of Welsh, Healthcare, Architecture and Engineering. We are also very keen to increase the number of reps we have in professional services across the board.